Thursday, March 01, 2007

Starting my 101 in 1001 List

So I've been inspired by photographer Jessica Claire to start my own 101 in 1001.

What's 101 in 1001? It's like a New Year's resolution on steroids. Essentially you list 101 goals you'd like to accomplish and perform them in the next 1001 days (which is about 3 years for those of you counting on your fingers).

Jessica's 101 is listed here:

Jessica was inspired by her friend Jen, whose list is here:

I really like this idea as opposed to NY's resolutions cuz they are more about what you hope to accomplish in life compared to what do you want to do this year.

So I've started my list. I say started because I've gotten to 29 and am stuck thinking of more. This is definitely not as easy as one would think.

So I'll post again when I'm done with my list. Then I'll update the blog whenever I've completed a task.

First item on my list... Complete the 101. Just kidding, kinda.

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